Devangshu Datta: Why Mr Modi travels
The peregrinations of Narendra Modi have provided much grist to the news mill for the past two years. Mr Modi goes to phoren; he takes selfies in interesting locales; he entertains NRI crowds; he meets captains of industry; he takes selfies; he changes clothes and takes more selfies, etc. During this process, Mr Modi has also redefined diplomacy. Over the centuries, a multitude of thinkers examined the art of diplomacy through multiple lenses. Kautilya, for example, was one of the earliest muses on the subject. Kautilya saw diplomacy through the lens of national self-interest. The Arthashastra advocates that a king should establish a ring of neighbouring allies with aligned self-interests, and also that a king should build strong intelligence networks. It also advocates being prepared to go to war continuously, and instantaneously, if those interests are threatened. Carl von Clausewitz agreed that war was an alternative means of conducting diplomacy though the Prussian general w...