Performance of Trading System Calls After Live

Performance of 

High-Return & Low-Risk Trading System

(from the past 27 days)

Around a month back, I have unveiled the High-Return & Low-Risk Trading System which generated calls which yield more than 200% returns. We have made it live from May 18th, the results are promising and it is a great success.

Here is the quick summary:

The system generated 17 calls in total as of today. Out of which, 10 calls generated 4% each in profits and 7 calls hit 1% stop loss. The winning ratio was 59% and losing ratio was 41%.

Here is the detailed report:

We are continuously testing this system with the live data and the results are exactly the way we have been expecting. So, going forward, I would be posting the calls in this blog everyday. 

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Unknown said…
Hi JP,

Great work. I have a question. If i have a total of Rs.100000 to invest, how much to invest in each script?
Smart Trading said…
Strategy is tested with below assumption

- Total no of open positions = 4
- So you can invest 25000 /- in each stock
- Keep buffer of 10,000 in case of negative side
- And reinvest profits again

I have found bug in code - after 2 months fixed issue - will publish again from today in blog

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