The uninvited guest – Inflation

We all had felt the pinch of that abrupt effect in our expenditure against our planned budget. It makes our plans haywire and leaves us in dismay.

So did Mr. Khanna.

Mrs. Khanna planned her yearly budget and accordingly estimated expenditure of Rs. 5, 00,000/- for the entire upcoming year.

At the end of the year when he reviews the budget based on his estimations, he finds that his expenses has soared high up to Rs. 7,00,000/- This means that there was an unexpected upward shift in expenditure of Rs. 2,00,000/-

Let me tell you that one of the reasons for this gap of Rs. 2,00,000/- was inflation. Now, the question arises, what is inflation and how is this related to Mr. Khanna’s budget.

In this article, we will understand as to how, inflation was one of the factors to the increased monthly expenditure of Mr. Khanna by Rs Rs2, 00,000/-

What is inflation?

In simple terms, inflation is the effect that reduces the worth of money.

For example: Inflation = 3%.

Let us take another example. Mrs Khanna prepares a list of groceries which costs her approximately Rs. 25,000/- monthly.

Every month she purchases the groceries and the shopkeeper charges her the same amount. One day, Mrs. Khanna receives a bill of Rs. 26500/- for the same products that she purchased earlier.

On going through the bill, she finds that the prices of certain commodities have increased.

Now the products that she could buy at Rs. 1000 in the previous month, costs her (Rs. 1000 + 3% of Rs. 100 = Rs. 1003) in the next month.

This means that the purchasing power of the currency falls and the outflow of money from our pocket multiplies accordingly.

Thus inflation means the rate of increase in the general price level of goods and services over the period of time, commonly a year and eventually, a fall in the purchasing power of the currency.

This implies that inflations make things expensive for us. The amount to be expended on buying a particular product increases.

And the same happened with Mr. Khanna. Though, he bought the same products that he had planned for in budget. He has to pay more than what expected because of the rate of inflation.

At the time of planning the budget Mr. Khanna missed to take the inflation into consideration, due to which it seemed to him that the amount expended will be Rs. 5, 00,000/-

However, when he actually purchased the goods, the prices were higher due to the inflation rate. This eventually caused an increase of Rs. 2, 00,000/- in the total expenditure. Similarly, In the case of Mrs. Khanna , inflation increased the prices of groceries accordingly.

Though this is not the only reason for increase in the total expenditure, but certainly it can be one of the reasons for the same.

This article was a basic snippet on why does this term inflation bothers a common household budget.

We hope that that post this article, Mr. Khanna and all of us will be more cautious and will always consider other factors including inflation as well before planning our budget.

Happy Learning

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