Laws of Human Nature

Brian Tracy discusses these in great detail in his seminar on self confidence

These laws were taught in mystery schools in Egypt, and have been rediscovered to carve a path to success. 

Law of Cause and Effect

We hear the saying “everything happens for a reason” around us everywhere, and this law states exactly that. Each thing has a cause and there is something it affects. Our thoughts are causes. We think about something or doing something and it affects what we do, leading to a particular result. 

Law of Belief

This law holds that whatever you believe, with feeling, becomes your reality. You see things that agree with your beliefs and act on them accordingly, and you ignore things inconsistent with your beliefs. This is taught to us over time and gets reinforced by emotions and experiences. As mentioned before, beliefs can be controlled. You can decide what belief to put your energy into.

Law of Expectations 

We all have expectations from various aspects of our life. Now, what is the significance of these expectations? Our expectations are things we want to achieve sometime or the other in our lives. Therefore we start to act in a manner consistent with meeting these expectations. And so, expectations become our self-fulfilling prophecies. Which is why it’s important to expect the best. That way you will act in a manner that fulfils your positive expectations.

Law of Attraction

According to this law, each person is a living magnet; and we attract the things we desire. This is because everything in our environment is in vibration. Even our thoughts vibrate because of the emotion behind them. To make this law work for you, it is important to think about what you want. Think about it, visualize it, write it down, tell people about it. Wanting something enough makes things fall in a way that makes a path for you to achieve it. 

Law of Correspondence

“As within, so without.” This means that whatever is going on in our external environment is a reflection of what is going on inside us. Wherever you look, you see a part of yourself. If you struggle with negative emotions, you will see negativity in your external environment. To control this, you must alter your thought patterns and focus on positive thinking. This law is not very different from the law of attraction — you attract what you feel on the inside.

Law of the Subconscious Mind

We’re all programmed to behave in a certain way. Our subconscious mind keeps balance of this in the body and takes actions and words consistent with our programming. There may be some negative programming in our minds, but it is possible to reprogram. We will discuss this later. 

Law of Habit

This law states that habits can be changed and developed, because you become what you think about. 


Our self-concept is our internal programming — it consists of our ideal self, self-image, and self-esteem. Our self-ideal consists of our hopes, values and dreams. Self-image is the way we see ourselves, and our selfesteem tells us how much we like ourselves. These come together as our mental make-up, and that obviously includes comfort zones. Comfort zones are areas of work we are comfortable doing; things that don’t challenge us. The big news is that while comfort zones are comfortable, they prevent us from succeeding. If you don’t challenge yourself, you don’t make progress. If you don’t make progress, you don’t like yourself. If you don’t like yourself, your self-image deteriorates, and so on. It is most important to like yourself. Everyday, whenever you get time, you should tell yourself that you like yourself. 

Law of Forgiveness

There must be things you are angry with about yourself, or matters you are angry with someone else about. To start your journey to success, you must forgive. You must forgive yourself, and forgive everyone else who ever did you any wrong. This is because having grudges promotes negativity, and your mind must be in a positive state to think, innovate, and concentrate. It is a fact that 80% of the obstacles we face are internal and only 20% are external. Your internal obstacles have to stop bothering you in order for you to overcome external hurdles. 

The reason why these laws are relevant to trading and should be followed is that it is very easy to get overwhelmed by negative emotions in the market. Our programming also causes us to blame the market, rather than accept responsibility, for our losses. 

Following these laws and applying them to our daily lives helps us keep a balanced perspective not only with regard to the stock market, but of other areas of life too.


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